SRK and Big B have become thick friends.

Shahrukh and Big B Amitabh suffered a huge diplomacy of egos from the past time but indeed there’s some good news for both of the actors fans. Indeed of the heavy expectations and desirable notices of thelatest flick PAA made SRK to reveal his amazing comsequency with Big B. as he dialed up to Amitabh to request some of the passes to be handed over for the premiere of PAA film for which both Aamir’s family and SRK’s family is going to be attending. This indeed is the most satisfying news for the film lovers as the trio seems very good at one stage quite remarkably. Many were awaiting the sequences to happen as soon as possible as the Aamir SRK relation has also something to be cheered about. Although with many expectations upon Amitabh’s redeemed character challenging, the news of uniting of the stars may help the publicity to enter the fame in lime light.

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