Amitabh speaks exclusively to the BBC Asian Network.

Amitabh generally is too modest with his films and performances but indeed he opened up his views wiyth BBC Asian Network individual Bhaskar. As Amitabh remains the idol for everyone as his amazing characters revealed his talent all over widely making him the world wide star with lots of applaudes grooming up for his every experiment. Since his career was enlightened with 40 year bright career his modesty and talent made him the top demanded and famed superstar. In his interview he expressed that he almost came up from a loser stage with no money handling to him for his life.

Also his debts mainly upseted his career for a little while but later on with his amazing scriptures he changed the whole phase of the film industry. He regretted that his character in the film Sholay seemed very uncomfortable for him as he supposed himself to do the character of Gabbar Singh which indeed is the main character in the film but later the film’s success helped him to know the value of his character. With lots of career and regards he owns a family of great charming fame heaped up with superstars claiming the famous celebrities left over.

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