Jagapathi Babu indeed gained huge fame in the film industry with his film in his career named Gayam directed by Ram Gopal Varma assembling all sequent scenes which proved to be the major box office hit at those times. After the success the crew image spent a lot bigger as the action sequences helped the film to gain more regional applauses.
Apart from all those talks he film’s continuation has been on the talk as the sequel has been made named as Gayam 2. It’s directed by Praveen Sri, an Assistant Director of RGV. The film’s gaining expectations in the set and out surrounding. The pooja function was held in Hyderabad Film Nagar claiming the script handed over to the director. The crew expressed their feelings with the reporters as their confidence was in the utmost level. Many scenes were planned to be shot in many locations with certain skills. Many artists and characters of fame were included in the film as this news could help the fame to regain its prequel stage.
Apart from all those talks he film’s continuation has been on the talk as the sequel has been made named as Gayam 2. It’s directed by Praveen Sri, an Assistant Director of RGV. The film’s gaining expectations in the set and out surrounding. The pooja function was held in Hyderabad Film Nagar claiming the script handed over to the director. The crew expressed their feelings with the reporters as their confidence was in the utmost level. Many scenes were planned to be shot in many locations with certain skills. Many artists and characters of fame were included in the film as this news could help the fame to regain its prequel stage.