Namitha rejects more movies.

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Namitha indeed is being so selective with her roles as she held many fans in suspenitieon and astonishment. Her attitude changed by the way after her latest blockbuster Jaganmohini . She is trying her varied skills in her movies seeking the importance more than the glamorous roles. Truly she’s searching for perfect subjects of certain value seeking exceptions from second heroine roles and character roles. She was in true emotion as she explained that her characters were varied in the films as some roles given to her ended up in a bad manner. Also she explained that some of her roles were given no importance in the films, claiming complete removal of her character. Moreover she seemed very hungry with her profession to come after days. Also glamorous roles were up to her extreme level , attempting her to do challenging roles in the coming years. Great shock was that she opposed nearly 14 movies from the past 2 months explaining us her strength.

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